The Stocks Of CGEN Are Expected To Accrue An EPS Of $0.10


Several research analysts have already expected the stocks of CGEN to report an EPS of $0.10 for the present quarter. None of the analysts working on the company’s stocks have estimated the earnings of CGEN. The highest estimate recorded is $0.09, while the lowest recorded is $0.11. The EPS reported by the firm the previous year was $0.10. The company is expected to issue the results of its earnings next on 18th February. 

The Quarterly Earnings of CGEN

The company did announce the results of their previous earnings last on Thursday. The EPS reported by the company was $0.09, which met the consensus estimate of $0.09. 

There have been several brokerages that have estimated the stocks of CGEN. Zacks Investment Research has already lowered the rating of CGEN from ‘buy’ to ‘hold’ in a research report that was published on the 9th of November. BidaskClub has also upgraded the stocks of the company from a rating of ‘sell’ to a rating of ‘hold’ in yet another research report. Finally, ValuEngine also joined in the fun with a rating of ‘buy’ to a rating of ‘hold’ in a research report that was issued on the 1st of December. 

Three investment analysts have already given the stocks a rating of ‘hold’. On the other hand, eight researchers have given it a rating of ‘buy’. So currently, the consensus rating on the firm is ‘buy’, with the average target price of $19.56.

The stocks of CGEN traded at $13.51 last Thursday. The moving average over 50-days is $12.93, with the moving average of 200-days being $15.07. The market cap of the firm is $924.35 million, with a beta of 2.58, and a PE ratio of -36.51. The year low of $5.62, with the year high of $19.90.