Sudan The Last Male Northern White Rhino Commemorated By Google Doodle

Sudan the last male northern white rhino
Sudan the last male northern white rhino

Google’s homepage logo got replaced by a heartbreaking Doodle to honor Sudan, the last male northern white rhino. The current Google Doodle, an impactful incredible artwork honoring Sudan, the last male northern white rhino with his subspecies’ last male.

More About Sudan, The Last Male Northern White Rhino

Sudan took birth in S. Sudan in 1973 as the last white northern rhino born into the wild. The Kralove Zoo took it in in 1975. During that time, this white northern rhinoceros was termed as an endangered species which have just 500 living in the wild plus in captivity. By the 1980s, the population of this type of rhinoceros declined to only fifteen because of poachers who hunted these rhinos because of the horns.

For encouraging the repopulation of this species, many conservative organizations including the Kralove zoo decided that the white rhinos which remain in captivity ought to be shifted from the Czech Republic zoo to Africa. In 2009, Sudan the last male northern white rhino along with a few female populations of the species were shifted to the Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts, the last rhino couldn’t give birth to any calves. He died in 2018 because of many complications arising out of old age.

One can find out more about the heartbreaking story of Sudan on Google Culture and Arts with his incredible pictures showing the gentle giant who weighed around 5,000 lb. Presently there are just two known white northern rhinos, both of them are females, Fatu and Najin, making this species extinct. However, many scientists are trying to save this white northern rhino using in vitro fertilization. There is a campaign launched by Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya for raising the adequate funds required for attempting the birthing of a white northern rhino using a surrogate.