♦ I appreciate the article about the Seabees group; thank you to all the gentlemen for your service. Stories like this highlight the humanity of the veterans who have served our country. God bless each of you.
♦ YT, your claims regarding our beloved Squawkbox are simply false. The Capitol riot was indeed a riot, with total arrests around 120, not 700. I’m curious if your previous claims of being a Marine hold any truth as well. Your lack of integrity and honor is a shame to your fellow Americans. Signed, the Patriot
♦ We need someone like Dip Gaines in charge of our city. He seems unaware of the local issues and prefers to divert funding from infrastructure improvements to those who rely on government assistance. His collaboration with Demetrius Young would be a true indication of our government’s decline in intelligence.
♦ Just left McDonald’s at 7 a.m. Dialogue: “Sorry, but we’re not open yet. When will you open? When the help arrives.” It’s unfortunate that workers often don’t adopt the owner’s work ethic and vision. New operating hours sign: OPEN: when my stimulus check runs out. CLOSE: ASAP.
♦ I enjoyed Donna Anderson’s touching article about her brother-in-law and his dedicated service, both to our country and to his wife as she battled Alzheimer’s. Individuals like him truly help to make our country great.
♦ Tragically, nine people lost their lives and several were injured at a recent Travis Scott concert in Texas. I’m waiting for the usual suspects to blame Donald Trump for the incident, or perhaps climate change will take the fall.
♦ A few days have passed, but I’m still reveling in the Braves’ World Series win. Keep chopping, boys!
♦ Mr. Fletcher, Albany has seen quite a diverse group of leaders over the years. Does anyone know how many potential businesses and jobs have been lost to other cities because of them?
♦ Can you hear that? It’s the residents of Chicago, Milwaukee, and Kenosha gearing up for the Rittenhouse verdict by making sure their firearms are loaded, while the Chicago Police prepare for the outcome as well.
♦ It’s astonishing—and disheartening—that our country’s values are so twisted that we vilify our veterans (especially those who served in Vietnam), while labeling individuals like George Floyd a “hero.” Although his death was a tragedy, he was not a hero to anyone but those in his family who profited from his passing.
♦ So, the Albany/Dougherty EDC is being held accountable for high crime rates, pervasive poverty, uneducated youth, and a larger population of idle, employable individuals compared to those actually working? Perhaps the City Commission and the residents of Dougherty County should look inward for the real sources of blame, rather than targeting the EDC.
♦ In response to Mike Sawyer’s letter to the editor: Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. It’s a cherished tradition. Alabama has beaten Tennessee for fifteen consecutive years now. Roll Tide!
♦ My Herald carrier must be a retired banker; he never shows up before 9 a.m. I really miss Laurie. She was always on time, perfect for my morning coffee.