Sweet Partners With Bitcoin To Bring Out A NFT Solution On A Large Scale


Sweet has partnered with Bitcoin in order to launch an extremely scalable token platform that would deal with the broader distribution of digital merchandise. The platform would be leveraging the Bitcoin Cash network in order to provide most of the entertainment brands with an opportunity that was previously non-existent. This would definitely help drive newer revenue- whilst creating a consumer experience that was one-of-a-kind. Also, consumer engagement would rise to levels previously uncharted. 

Sweet’s Partnership With Bitcoin Might Bring In The Future of NFTs

The solution of Sweet will enable brands to bring about the ability to introduce digital merchandise to the main market in quite a number of ingenious ways. This includes the sale of tokens that are usually non-fungible- on a platform that is mostly e-commerce. Also, such NFTs are usually bundled up with other physical products using a QR code which is also mostly used as a giveaway. Some businesses also use these as rewards for playing songs using Apple Music or Spotify. 

Since most entertainment brands along with consumers always opt for newer solutions in the virtual space, Sweet is capable enough to produce a distribution of tradable coins which is unprecedented. These cards and coins have been customized around the manufacturing branch- after which they end up being published on a blockchain which deals with authenticity and transparent ownership.

 Mizzone has stated that most collectible, rare merchandise would see its future in this digital arena. And this is mostly found through the interest consumers have been showing in NFTs. It was further stated that Sweet is quite excited to be the one giving most artists and brands a platform to display their merchandise to customers. 

The platform that Sweet has devised consists of a blockchain wallet for mobile- Android and iOS. It also boasts of a UI that is engineered beautifully. Most of the users would be able to get the full experience as they end up interacting and trading their collectibles.