Telegram Finds Itself With 500 Million Users As Tension Over Whatsapp Grows


Telegram has been one of the most popular apps for messaging in the cryptocurrency space- and has currently passed over 500 million active users since the year began. And this information has come straight from the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov. He also mentioned how the last 72 hours saw massive surges in new users. 25 million users have signed in since then, ever since tensions over the new Whatsapp update keeps growing. The new users come in from all parts of the world- but the bulk has been drawn in from Asia at around 38%. 

Why Have People Started Flocking Telegram?

27% of the new users have come from Europe, while 21% coming in from Latin America. Telegram saw around 200 million people using it back in 2018, so this implies a growth rate of over 150% in the last couple of years. And this development can be definitely attributed to the new policy changes that Whatsapp has brought in. Questions about security, including updates that would require users to start sharing their personal information with Facebook have led people to start using Telegram due to its inherent simplicity. 

No wonder that the new changes have made a lot of people uncomfortable with Whatsapp– which is why they have been shifting to other sources like Telegram or Signal. And it needs to be mentioned that Telegram has never shared their personal data with anyone. This is something the CEO of Telegram was quick to mention. With half a billion users, Telegram was definitely the place to be for those who didn’t want to face security and privacy issues. 

Last year saw close to 1.5 million joining Telegram each day- but this year has definitely been unprecedented in the amount of traffic that this social media platform has experienced.