TikToker Uses Joke CV to Apply for 100 Jobs—The Results Are Shocking


Job hunting can often feel like a never-ending cycle of effort and rejection. But TikToker Jerry Lee decided to take a humorous approach to see just how closely recruiters pay attention to resumes. Spoiler: the results were both surprising and amusing.

A Joke Name and a Serious Experiment

Frustrated with traditional job application processes, Lee submitted 100 applications under the name “Kismma D. Nhuhts.” The experiment, shared on his TikTok, tested whether recruiters actually scrutinize the details of a CV.

Amazingly, within just one day, he received his first interview request. “Holy c**p guys, we got our first interview,” Lee exclaimed in a video update. Over the next week, things escalated. Out of the 100 applications, he received 36 responses—30 rejections and six interview offers.

What’s even more astonishing is that none of the recruiters commented on the name or the clearly fake details included in the resume. Among the responses was an interview request from Reddit, a dream opportunity for the TikToker.

A Closer Look at the “Qualifications”

Lee’s joke resume included some eyebrow-raising claims, such as his dog winning the World Cup by “20%” and “experience with Lana Rhodes.” While these might seem like obvious red flags, they apparently went unnoticed.

“We were like, ‘If we can get an interview at Reddit… that would be sick,’” Lee explained, sharing his excitement about the experiment’s unexpected success.

While the experiment was lighthearted, it raises serious questions about how much attention recruiters pay to applications. Lee’s TikTok platform focuses on resume tips, and this stunt underscores the importance of standing out in creative ways—though hopefully with real credentials.

For the rest of us struggling to get a callback, Lee’s results might sting a bit. But if nothing else, it proves that sometimes, humor and audacity can open surprising doors.