You Could Be In For A Surprise Stimulus Check Of $1,000 This New Year: Ensure You Are Ready

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Stimulus checks are going out this new year and Americans need to make sure they get theirs if they are eligible. A $1,000 check is being paid by states to its residents this season. Check out if you are the lucky one.

Multiple states have a program that supports their residents with the local administration deciding on the eligibility and the amount of the stimulus check.

Connecticut under Gov. Ned Lamont has announced a $1,000 stimulus check under the Back to Work package. Workers who faced displacement during the initial stages of the pandemic while enduring long periods of unemployment and rejoining the workforce under the incentive.

The Governor said that this one-off payment will support some people and help them cover their critical expenses, including child care expenses. He said that it was the state’s way to recover from the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.

Residents of other states could be eligible for stimulus checks depending on the period they have been unemployed. Residents may also be required to join the workforce to be entitled to a payment.

Claiming The $1,000 Stimulus Check For Connecticut Residents

To get your hands on the stimulus check you are required to submit the completed form of the Back to Work program online. You are not required to submit a paper application.

The Revenue Serviced department may contact applicants directly and validate their employment after the end of 8 continuous weeks of underemployment.

The application and relevant information is there on the website of the Revenue Services department. Eligible applicants should have filed a claim for weekly unemployment compensation with the administration from the week starting May 23, 2021. Additionally, they must also have filed a claim for additional 11 weeks from December 27, 2020, to May 22, 2021.

Applicants must also hold a job full-time for 8 weeks consecutively from May 30 to December 31, 2021.

Applicants must not have filed for a weekly claim of unemployment compensation with the administration for any part of the stipulated 8 consecutive weeks.