Twitter Is Making Headways Into Podcasting By Acquiring Breaker


Twitter has been making some pretty eye-brow raising decisions- with Michael Montano, the Twitter engineering executive rolling out another. This week Montano announced that Twitter would be getting hold of a social podcasting app called the Breaker. This would be in place of their previous Spaces product- which has its own Clubhouse theme. 

The interesting thing? Not many Twitter users actually know what Social podcasting is. But if one were to check Breaker’s homepage, it is simply a platform built around podcasting. Users would have the ability to both comments and like on a given podcast- and even be allowed to check out the other podcasts. If someone is fanatic enough to critic a podcast, they would have a DM function handy for that.

What Does Twitter Want From Breaker? 

But even if we can see the obvious perks with this app, there seems to be a minor hitch- Breaker isn’t popular. There are several podcasts out there that are heavily acclaimed, but Breaker barely talks about them. For example, one simply has to look at Last Podcast on the Left– a true-crime podcast, which has been receiving rave reviews. And despite that, Breaker has no fans commenting on the show, or its ideas. And if this was the condition of a groundbreaking podcast, what chance do other shows have?

This begets the question, what is Twitter trying to do with this app then? Firstly, no one knows what sort of Tech will be brought to the foreground by the developers of Breaker. The co-founder of the company Leah Culver recently announced that she was quite delighted to create the future of what would be audio conversations. What could be gathered is that Culver, and the other founder Erik Berlin would be assisting Montana in developing Spaces, the chatroom product that Twitter already has. 

One more point can be raised- other social media platforms have their features widely received by the users. The story features of both Snapchat and Instagram, and now Facebook has received rave reviews, whereas Twitter hasn’t met with the same amount of success. 

Now, Spotify has also stepped into the game with their podcasts, which are massively successful. All one can grasp is- Twitter might not be as liked as they thought themselves to be.