Twitter Prompts All US Users to Vote, Adds New Vote-Related Hashflags

Twitter Prompts All US Users to Vote, Adds New Vote-Related Hashflags

Twitter has made another step in motivating people to vote, it has launched a big push to get users to vote, with new prompts in the newsfeed for all users of the USA and the new visuals attached to hashtags related to voting.

Firstly, Twitter is making the biggest push for voter participation, with a new prompt in feed to alert users to vote early voting.

 Vote-Related Hashflags

As explained by Twitter:

“”Starting today and throughout the weekend, every person with a Twitter account located within the United States will see a home timeline prompt designed to encourage them to vote early and look up their early voting options via BallotReady — a nonpartisan voting advocacy organization. People will also be encouraged to Tweet out these resources to help spread the word.”

Also, Twitter has launched last month a new Election Hub, that is about keeping users updated with basic voting information. The prompts are adding more assurance to the push and get more people to the polls.

Additionally, Twitter has also included new visuals connected to the hashtags related to elections.

Also, Twitter has partnered with NASED and NASA to host a lot of Twitter Question-And-Answers from Chief Election Officials to give more answers to questions related to voting, while it has also created a list of news from NASED and NASA to assist in keeping users to be updated.

Twitter has been pushing to increase voter participation for a period of time, aligned with its updates on election-awareness and integrity, and badges on the candidates are one of these updates to make their messages signified. Also, expanding election misinformation policies and the voting process. Also, Twitter stopped accepted paid political ads a year ago to evade any deficiency in the service.

These prompts will also raise awareness and have to motivate more users from Twitter to participate in the poll.