TWTR Has Its Price Target Raised To Around $82


The stocks of TWTR have their price target increased by quite a few research analysts working at Argus from a rate of $72 to $82 in a Thursday report. Currently, the firm enjoys a rating of buy on the stock of this networking company. The price target set by the brokerage firm indicates an increase of about 21.79% on the previous close of the company.

The Stock Commentary Of TWTR

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of TWTR. Pivotal Research has increased the price target of the company from $77.25 to a sum of $95 with a rating of buy in a 4th March research report.

Citigroup has also increased the price target of the company from $55 to $80 in a 16th March research report. Wedbush has also reiterated their rating of neutral with a price target of $75 in a Tuesday research report. Cleveland Research has also put up a rating of buy in a 1st March research report. 

Two of the research analysts have already given it a rating of sell, while twenty others have given the stocks a rating of hold. Around sixteen other analysts have provided the company with a hold rating with a $68.63 price target. 

The stocks of TWTR traded on Thursday at $67.33. The moving average price of the company over 50 days was $67.02, with the moving average price of the company over 200 days set at $55.73. The year low of the company is $26.45, with a year high set at $80.75. The market cap of the firm is $53.77 billion, with a -48.79 PE ratio. The debt-to-equity ratio of the company is 0.33. 

TWTR did upload their quarterly results on the 9th of February. The company had an EPS of $0.38 for this quarter, which was more than the consensus estimate of $0.31. The net margin of the company was -31.70% with a -12.42% return on equity.