Updates On The Stimulus Checks 2022: Which States Are Paying And When? Who Will Be Eligible

Tax Season Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The Federal Government issued some stimulus checks during the pandemic’s peak to help the citizens combat the inflation due to the pandemic. However, even though the Federal Government is worried that the introduction of stimulus checks to the market might increase inflation even further, the States are working forward to send out some cash injections to the pockets of their taxpayers. 

More than 12 states have already announced plans to provide economic leverage for the taxpayers, South Carolina being the most recent addition to the list. The State announced some income tax rebates. The taxpayers of the State will receive $800 between late November and December. 

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The State of California has also announced rebate checks for single and joint tax filers with dependents. The State is offering their joint tax filers with a child $1050 tax rebates and a half for the single filers from their surplus budget. These payments are expected to go out in late October. However, per Gov. Gavin Newsom, single taxpayers earning more than $250000 and double taxpayers with a joint earning of $500000 will not be getting these payments.  

However, this is not only in the State of California. The Gov. of the Delaware State, Mr. John Carney, has also announced $300 checks to the taxpayers of 2020, and they are hoping to credit the money in the taxpayers’ accounts from May. 

Georgia has also announced their rebate checks worth $250 and $500 for single and joint taxpayers, respectively. These checkers will be credited to the accounts of those paying taxes in 2020 and 2021. 

Indiana, Hawaii, Illinois, and some other states have also joined the race and promised taxpayers tax rebates and stimulus checks