Web3 Domain Alliance Has 51 New Members

Web3 Domain Alliance

Blockchain.com, WazirX, and Klever are among the dozens of naming systems, projects, and companies that have joined the Web3 Domain Alliance, a member-led coalition dedicated to improving the technological and public policy environments for users of Web3 naming services. The alliance announced 51 new members today.

To promote the continuous development of digital identity technologies in Web3, Alliance members including Unstoppable Domains will contribute contributions, including technology, to allow interoperability and security standards. Web3 domains constitute a critical component of a person’s Web3 digital identity. 

Web3 Domain Alliance Keeps Members Anonymous

As an alternative to using a long string of numbers and letters as a wallet address, you may use a domain to transfer and receive bitcoin, host your website, forward your email securely, and sign into many services, games, and virtual worlds. With Web3, ownership is decentralized since domains are “minted” on the blockchain and “stored” in a user’s wallet. Unstoppable, a founder member of the Web3 Domain Alliance, has recently been granted a patent for its work in resolving blockchain names, and it intends to use its IP investments to encourage innovation throughout the Web3 sector.

Consumer protection, blockchain name system interoperability, open and fair IP usage, naming collision avoidance, and other issues will be discussed among Web3 Domain Alliance members. Together, the Web3 Domain Alliance will push for standards in the Web3 domain market to stimulate innovation and a safe environment for people. Web3 online trading network Metascan has joined the Web3 Domain Alliance after the company deprecated its NFT top-level domain to prevent a potential name clash.