Which States In The Country Could Be Offering A Stimulus Check Payment?

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

It has been well documented that the economy in the US did come back to life after a deep recession affected the standard of living in the country. This is the reason why the federal government has issued three different stimulus check payments to help out citizens in need. The end of the pandemic saw a rise in inflation, and although the clip of rising prices has gone down in the latest report regarding the Consumer Price Index, most families are still dealing with the aftereffects of it. 

Some States Could Be Issuing A Stimulus Check Payment

This exorbitant high cost of living has resulted in several states across the country bringing about stimulus payments which would come as a relief from the high prices. These checks- which have been issued to several Republican states- do come as a surprise considering how many GOP leaders had been blaming the rise in inflation on the payments that were passed by the Democrats in 2021.

The state of California has decided to issue the next set of stimulus check payments in the form of a Tax Refund for the Middle Class which would go up to a sum of $1050. The payments for this would be sent starting in October and will continue throughout January of 2023. Just the last month, the California Franchise Tax Board issued multiple direct deposit payments to residents who had received either a GSS I or the second Golden State stimulus payment. From the 25th of October to the 10th of December 2022, the agency will start mailing multiple debit cards to those who received the first or the second payment. 

In the state of Illinois, taxpayers who had an annual earning under $200,000 in 2021 will be receiving a stimulus check tax refund of $50, with couples who filed jointly will be receiving a sum of $100- on an annual earning of $400,000.