5 ways Easter is celebrated globally
Did you know that Easter isn’t always just about chocolate? Different cultures celebrate the occasion in unique ways.
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- Easter will be observed on Sunday, April 20, 2025.
- The date is determined as the Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.
- Lent is a period of fasting and reflection that begins on Ash Wednesday, concluding on Holy Saturday or Maundy Thursday, depending on the denomination.
The Easter Bunny is arriving a little late this year, but spring is already blooming, and soon you’ll be coloring eggs and preparing baskets.
Carnivale came to an end at midnight on Mardi Gras, also known as Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, concluding during Holy Week, which features celebrations and ceremonies leading up to Easter.
When does Lent end? Why is Easter so late this year? Will Good Friday be a holiday in Mississippi? Here’s what we can share.
When is Easter 2025?
Most Christians, including Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians, will observe Easter on Sunday, April 20, 2025.
While many denominations follow the Gregorian calendar, the Eastern Orthodox Church adheres to the Julian calendar. The dates for these groups won’t align again until 2028, according to Greek City Times.
Why does Easter change dates each year?
The date of Easter is set as the Sunday following the first full moon post the Spring Equinox on the Gregorian calendar.
When is the Spring Equinox?
The Spring Equinox fell on Thursday, March 20, 2025. (This year, it coincided with a lunar eclipse.)
When will the full moon occur in April?
The full moon on Sunday, April 13 is known as the Pink Moon. Native American tribes also refer to it by other names, including:
- Breaking Ice Moon.
- Budding Moon.
- Sucker Moon.
- The Moon When the Ducks Return.
Why do people celebrate Easter?
Christians believe Jesus of Nazareth was crucified on Good Friday. Easter is a significant Christian celebration that marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion.
When is Ash Wednesday 2025?
Ash Wednesday will be observed on Wednesday, March 5.
What is Ash Wednesday? When does Lent commence?
Ash Wednesday signals the onset of a 40-day period dedicated to fasting, prayer, and reflection known as Lent. Some Christians attend services to pray and receive an ash cross on their foreheads, symbolizing their commitment to relinquish something during this season.
How long is Lent? When does the Lenten season close in 2025?
The conclusion of Lent varies by denomination. Some conclude on Holy Saturday, while others, like Roman Catholics, wrap up the Lenten season at sundown on Maundy Thursday (also called Holy Thursday).
In 2025, these dates are either Thursday, April 17, or Saturday, April 19.
Key information regarding Ash Wednesday and the Lent season
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, an essential liturgical event for Christians that helps them prepare for Easter.
Why is meat prohibited on Fridays during Lent?
The 40 days symbolize Jesus’ temptation in the desert.
Many Christians refrain from eating meat on Fridays and Ash Wednesday, and some choose to give up personal vices or habits (like sugar) while increasing their acts of service or prayer.
What are the Stations of the Cross?
The Stations of the Cross consist of 14 devotions centered on Jesus’ final day before his crucifixion. Each station involves a specific prayer or meditation before progressing to the next.
These are often illustrated on church walls but can also be performed in group devotional settings. On Fridays during Lent, especially Good Friday, many churches hold gatherings for their congregations. However, they can be practiced or meditated upon at any time.
What is a Passion Play?
A Passion Play is a theatrical representation of the trial, suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
While these can be staged at any time, they are particularly popular in churches around Easter. Check your local church and community schedules to find one nearby.
When is Holy Week?
Holy Week commences with Palm Sunday.
Holy Wednesday, also known as Spy Wednesday, happens just before the Triduum.
The Holy Week Triduum includes:
- Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday.
- Good Friday.
- Holy Saturday.
When is Palm Sunday in 2025? What is its significance?
Palm Sunday will be celebrated on April 13, 2025.
All four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—depict Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey, welcomed by a crowd waving palm branches.
Palm Sunday services may include readings from the Passion, recounting Jesus’ final days and crucifixion.
When is Good Friday in 2025?
Good Friday, occurring three days before Easter, commemorates Jesus’ death on the cross. According to scripture, he was sacrificed to atone for humanity’s sins, and his body was laid to rest in a nearby tomb.
Is Good Friday recognized as a public holiday?
No, Good Friday is not an official state holiday in Mississippi. The upcoming one will be Confederate Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday in April, as stated by the Mississippi Departments of Finance and Administration.
It is also not a federal holiday, according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s calendar.
Please verify with your employer and your child’s school regarding any days off around Good Friday.
Contributors: Chris Sims, Marina Johnson, and John Tufts
Bonnie Bolden is the Deep South Connect reporter for Mississippi with Gannett/USA Today. Email her at bbolden@gannett.com.