The LEDA Galaxy Was Photographed By A NASA Telescope 52 Million Light-Years Distant


Another amazing image from space has been captured, showing the LEDA galaxy phenomenon that is approximately 52 million light-years away. As it continues its voyage across the enigmatic depths of space, the Hubble telescope, operated in cooperation with NASA and ESA, continues to uncover new information about our cosmos and relay it back to us. The Hubble telescope, which was launched in 1991, has greatly aided in our understanding and validation of our beliefs regarding the expansion rate of the universe, its age, the existence of black holes in every galaxy, and a host of other topics.

Since its launch in December 2021, the more contemporary and technologically advanced James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has assisted the venerable piece of technology.

The LEDA Galaxy Is A Part Of The Virgo Constellation

In fact, according to a recent study, the results of JWST may have altered our perception of how quickly the universe is expanding. But don’t let that diminish the significance of Hubble, which is still contributing to research and has a 30-year advantage over JWST since it is farther into space.

It merely caught a wonderful illustration of the ram pressure phenomena. So what exactly is ram pressure? It is essentially the force that space’s gas and dust exert, and Hubble has captured an image of it at work on the galaxy LEDA 42160, which is located 52 million light-years distant. This galaxy is a component of the Virgo constellation, which you may have previously noticed in the night sky. It is traveling through the Virgo cluster’s dense gas, which is creating ram pressure. This galaxy is known as a dwarf galaxy.