Your 3rd Stimulus Check Can Now Get Delayed!

Stimulus Check CalWorks
Stimulus Check

Your 3rd stimulus check can now get delayed for several reasons. However, this article talks about how you can track your stimulus check through the IRS website of IRS. The 3rd series of stimulus payments made by the IRS stands at around 169M stimulus payments. Each stimulus payment has an amount of $1400. The batches of stimulus payments containing this amount of federal relief are being sent weekly by the IRS. So, your stimulus check might reach you, there is still some time left. However, an issue might arise with your stimulus payment. But the IRS will be having problems replying to your missing stimulus check issues. 

The delay can also be caused by inconsistency in the system of mail delivery. This might be a serious problem if the IRS contains your wrong DD information or if the IRS suspects you of identity theft. There can also be plenty of other problems regarding you being the recipient of veteran, SSI, and SSDI benefits. The most critical of all issues will be if you receive IRS’s letter stating that your payment has already been delivered but you don’t have a clue about where your payment might be. If you are someone who has already filed your tax extension regarding the tax returns of 2020 you can request the IRS for recovery on your rebate credit or an ag in your payment trace. This article will also talk about unemployment news with various states canceling bonuses of back to work and jobless benefits. As parents, you can also calculate the amount and the whereabouts of your child’s tax credit. 

Track Your Stimulus Check Using Get My Payment From The IRS!

Your 3rd stimulus check of 2021 status can now be tracked using the online portal of the IRS designed specifically for such purposes. The website works as a system that informs you about the timing of the processing of your payment and the nature in which it will get delivered to you. If this tool is unable to provide you with all the above-mentioned information or states that your stimulus money is already on its way, you should request a recovery of your rebate credit or a payment trace. 

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

For your 1st or 2nd stimulus money, you should create a profile on the website of the IRS for viewing your status. If you encounter any problems while you are at it, you should request a recovery of your rebate credit or a payment trace. This should work even if you haven’t filed your tax returns for 2020. The last date for filing your tax returns was 17th May. 

The IRS Might Require More Information About Your Stimulus Check!

If the tool on the website of the IRS, which is used for tracking your stimulus check, provides you with a date of your payment, but you don’t have the payment on that date, it means that the IRS might require additional information. You must check the tool time and again and if the tool reports that the agency needs more information, this might mean that your stimulus check was returned to the IRS because of the post office’s mismanagement while delivering your check. This is according to a representative of the IRS who informed the CNET of this technicality. 

Why Is Your Stimulus Check Status Not Available?

According to a representative of the IRS, it is very normal for your payment status to be declared normal by the tool on the IRS website. According to them, that means that your payment is not yet scheduled for getting issued. The message doesn’t indicate in any way your ineligibility for receiving your stimulus check. This only means that you will have to be patient and wait for your stimulus check. 

What Can You Do If Some Issues Arise Regarding Your Direct Deposit Information?

The tracking tool issued by the IRS for your 3rd stimulus check provides no field or space for adding information regarding your direct deposit. It provides no field until your payment is not delivered by the IRS even after a long time. There can be a serious problem with your bank account. The check sent by the IRS can also get bounced back towards the IRS if the check was sent to a closed account by the IRS. There can also be a similar problem if the check is sent to your temporary debit card which is set up by your tax preparer. If the payment bounces back towards the IRS, they will deliver your stimulus payment directly to the address that you have filed with the IRS recently. 

stimulus check
stimulus check

The IRS announced that if still your check bounces back and returns to the IRS, they will finally provide you with a field on their tracking tool where you can put in the information regarding your bank account. While facing these types of issues, you must first contact your tax preparer or bank. You must try to get as much information that you can regarding your stimulus check. First, you have to make sure whether the IRS really tried to deliver your money to your debit card or closed account. Unfortunately, now all you can do is monitor and wait for the tracking tool to do the job and track your stimulus money. You must not forget to check your check delivery tracking information on a regular basis. You can also register for the free service which provides you with your check information and delivers all the details in your mailbox. 

Your Stimulus Money Can Also Get Seized If You Have Due Debt!

Your 1st stimulus payment was seized if you have debts regarding child support or any other debts. This seizure was done to cover your debts. The 3rd check can get seized by private collectors of debt. But it can not get seized by the federal or state government. A similar process follows for your 2nd payment too. This situation is a common one while claiming your missing stimulus money regarding the recovery of your rebate credit. If you are caught up in any of these insane scenarios, don’t worry, you will be getting a notice either from your bank or from the Fiscal Service Bureau. 

While having problems regarding your 3rd check, we recommend you to contact your bank and confirm the request for garnishment from creditors. You also have to inquire about details regarding the time when you have to get in there and file your request with the local court so that the court orders a stoppage of this request regarding garnishment. If you believe that your stimulus money was mistakenly seized, you must file a recovery of your rebate credit regarding your tax returns of 2020. But this measure can only work for you if you have already filed for an extension of your tax returns.