YouTube Launches ‘How YouTube Works’ Explainer Platform to Share Information on Platform Policies


YouTube has launched information about its several policies, and how they work, to provide more honesty into its procedures.

How YouTube Works

As explained by YouTube:

“How YouTube Works addresses some of the important questions we face every day about our platform – involving topics such as child safety, harmful content, misinformation, and copyright, as well as tackling timely issues as they arise, like how we have responded to the COVID-19 crisis and how we support elections.”

The major highlight of the main policies focused on the front page has restricted the open out of aggressive and hateful videos and securing users’ data. However, there are divided into categories on YouTube’s trend insights, what policies are about, ad settings, eligibility guidelines, and details on how the algorithm suggests videos.

How YouTube Works

There’s a hill of information on the website, connecting to a span of particular areas. And while there are no real beginner advice or new information uncovered, it does give an obvious summary of how YouTube works, what the company’s main highlight areas are, where it’s monitoring development, and how it is working to progress.

Read the full ‘How YouTube Works’ platform here.